• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 同义词
  • 反义词
  • 同义词解析
  • 词组
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • adj.
    all, each,
  • every的同义词之:其他释义
    all, each,
  • adj.
  • every的反义词之:其他释义
  • 以下这两个形容词都有"每一个" 的意思
  • every bit as
    (in comparisons) quite as (用于比较)完全一样…
  • every inch
  • every last (或 every single)
    used to emphasize that every member of a group is included [用于加强语气]每一个;全部;无一例外
  • every man has his price
    (proverb)everyone is open to bribery if the inducement offered is large enough (谚)人各有其价(指任何人都是可以收买的)
  • every now and again (或 now and then)
    from time to time; occasionally 不时;有时;偶尔
  • every time
    without exception 毫无例外地
  • every which way
    (informal)in all directions (非正式)四面八方
  • every bit【非正式用语】
    In all ways; equally 在各方面,完全地;同样地
  • every now and then 或 every now and again
    From time to time; occasionally. 不时地,时常地;偶尔地
  • every once in a while
    From time to time; occasionally. 不时地;偶尔地
  • every other
    Each alternate 每隔一…地
  • every so often
    At intervals; occasionally. 时常,不时;偶尔地
  • every which way【非正式用语】
    In every direction. 向四面八方地,朝各个方向地 In complete disorder. 杂乱无章地,全无秩序地
  • DET
    You use every to indicate that you are referring to all the members of a group or all the parts of something and not only some of them.
    Every village has a green, a church, a pub and a manor house... 每个村庄都有一片绿地、一座教堂、一间酒馆和一座庄园宅第。 Record every expenditure you make. 记下你的每一笔花销。
  • DET
    You use every in order to say how often something happens or to indicate that something happens at regular intervals.
    We were made to attend meetings every day... 我们每天都得参加会议。 A burglary occurs every three minutes in London... 伦敦每3分钟就会发生一起入室抢劫案。
  • DET
    You use every in front of a number when you are saying what proportion of people or things something happens to or applies to.
    Two out of every three Britons already own a video recorder... 每3个英国人中就有两个已经有了录像机。 About one in every 20 people have clinical depression... 大约每20个人中有1个患有临床抑郁症。
  • DET
    You can use every before some nouns, for example 'sign', 'effort', 'reason', and 'intention' in order to emphasize what you are saying.
    The Congressional Budget Office says the federal deficit shows every sign of getting larger... 国会预算办公室说有种种的迹象表明联邦赤字正在增加。 I think that there is every chance that you will succeed... 我想你取得成功的机会很大。
  • ADJ
    If you say that someone's every whim, wish, or desire will be satisfied, you are emphasizing that everything they want will happen or be provided.
    Dozens of servants had catered to his every whim. 几十个仆人迎合他所有稀奇古怪的念头。
    You use every in the expressions every now and then ,every now and again ,every once in a while, and every so often in order to indicate that something happens occasionally.
    Stir the batter every now and then to keep it from separating... 不时搅动面糊,防止其成分散开。 Every so often the horse's heart and lungs are checked. 不时检查那匹马的心脏和肺。
    If something happens every other day or every second day, for example, it happens one day, then does not happen the next day, then happens the day after that, and so on. You can also say that something happens every third week ,every fourth year, and so on.
    I went home every other week... 我隔周回一趟家。 It has been snowing, roughly every third day, for as long as I've had the flu. 自从我得了流感以来,这段时间一直在下雪,大约每三天一场。
  • adj.
    Every word in this dictionary is important. 这本字典每一个词都很重要。 Every man is not honest. 并不是每个人都是诚实的。 Go to bed, every one of you! 你们大家都去睡觉。
    每…一次的, 每隔…的, 每…之中的
    Take a pill every three hours. 每三小时吃一粒药。 Out of every five men only two were fit. 每五人中只有两个是合格的。
  • Adjective
    1. each and all of a series of entities or intervals as specified;
    "every third seat""every two hours"
    2. (used of count nouns) each and all of the members of a group considered singly and without exception;
    "every person is mortal""every party is welcome""had every hope of success""every chance of winning"
  • 法律: 各种;