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[ˈi:gə(r)] [ˈiɡɚ]
  • 副词:eagerly;
  • 名词:eagerness;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些形容词均有"急切的,渴望的" 的意思
      anxious :强调因忧虑、关注或害怕而产生的急切心情。
      eager :侧重于急于成功的迫切心情。
      keen :强调因兴趣强烈或欲望而急于做某事。
    • eager beaver
      But not all were eager to jump aboard.
      Now they're actually eager to see their electricity bills
      Why are the Gatais eager to see their electricity bills now?
      They are eager to become famous.
      This is especially true of editors, who by nature tend to be eager and engaged participants in everything they do.
      He is eager to be nominated the new editor.
      If you are eager to do or have something, you want to do or have it very much.
      Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army... 罗伯特很想谈谈陆军生活。 When my own son was five years old, I became eager for another baby... 我家儿子5岁的时候,我特别想再要一个孩子。
      If you look or sound eager, you look or sound as if you expect something interesting or enjoyable to happen.
      Arty sneered at the crowd of eager faces around him... 阿蒂对他身边那些期盼的面孔嗤之以鼻。 Her voice was girlish and eager. 她的声音像个小姑娘似的,而且带着一股急不可耐。
    • adj.
      热切的, 渴望的,渴求的
      She listened with eager attention. 她聚精会神地倾听。 He is an eager student. 他是个勤奋的学生。 The engineer was an eager participant in technical co-operation. 那位工程师热心参与技术合作。 He is eager about his studies. 他对自己的研究很热心。 She is eager about her progress. 她渴望取得进步。 I am not now so eager about your coming to town as I was. 现在我不像以前那样急于要你进城来。 He was eager after knowledge. 他渴求知识。 Susan was eager in winning his heart. 苏珊急于想获得他的真心。 She is very eager in her studies. 她热衷于她的研究。 I am eager to learn how to ride a bicycle. 我急于想学会骑自行车。 The child is eager to have the candy. 那孩子巴不得拿到糖。 He is always eager to win. 他总是渴望能赢。 He is becoming eager to study. 他渐渐好学起来。 He is eager to travel. 他很想旅行。 We were all eager to see him again. 我们都非常想再见到他。 I am not so eager to get a new car now, the prices have gone up. 我现在不急于买新汽车, 因为价钱已经涨了。 Now she was back, eager to see her friends. 现在她回来了, 急切地想见朋友们。 He was desperately eager to be back after more than a week's absence from school. 他一个多星期没有到学校, 回校之心甚切。 He was too eager to succeed. 他太急于求成。 I am eager for you to meet my new friends. 我很想要你见见我的新朋友。 I am eager for the performance to begin. 我热切地等待演出开始。 The head is eager that all the workers should come in time. 队长急着要所有工人都按时来。
    • Noun
      1. a high wave (often dangerous) caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary)
    • Adjective
      1. having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy;
      "eager to learn""eager to travel abroad""eager for success""eager helpers""an eager look"
      2. marked by active interest and enthusiasm;
      "an avid sports fan""a great walker""an eager beaver"