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[kraɪ] [kraɪ]
  • 第三人称单数:cries;
  • 过去式:cried;
  • 过去分词:cried;
  • 现在分词:crying;
  • 例句
    • vt. & vi.
    • cry的反义词之:其他释义
      laugh, laughter,
    • 以下这些动词都有"喊,叫" 的意思
    • 以下这3个动词均有"哭" 的意思
    • cry one's eyes (或 heart) out
      weep bitterly and at length 痛哭流涕,哭得很伤心
    • cry for the moon
      ask for what is unattainable or impossible 想要得不到的东西;想做不可能的事
    • cry foul
      protest strongly about a real or imagined wrong or injustice 强烈抗议错误(或不公平)
    • cry from the heart
      a passionate and honest appeal or protest 衷心的呼吁;发自内心的抗议
    • cry stinking fish
      (Brit.)disparage one's own efforts or products (英)暴露自己的缺点;拆自己的台
    • for crying out loud
      (informal)used to express one's irritation or impatience (非正式)(表示恼怒或不耐烦)哎呀,我的天啊;岂有此理;求求你
    • it's no use crying over spilt milk
    • cry someone/thing down
      (dated)disparage or belittle someone or something (旧)贬损;轻视
    • cry someone/thing up
      (dated)praise or extol someone or something (旧)称颂,称赞
    • cry down
      To belittle or disparage. 轻视,贬低
    • cry off
      To break or withdraw from a promise, agreement, or undertaking. 毁约:违反或取消誓言、合约或承诺
    • cry up
      To praise highly; extol. 高度赞扬;赞颂
    • cry havoc
      To sound an alarm; warn. 发出警报;警告
    • cry (one's) eyes out 或 cry (one's) heart out
      To weep inconsolably for a long time. 痛哭流涕:长时间地伤心欲绝地哭泣
      For example, if a little boy's male friends are punished for crying, he will learn that "boys don't cry.
    • VERB
      When you cry, tears come from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt.
      I hung up the phone and started to cry... 我挂断电话,开始哭了起来。 Please don't cry... 拜托不要哭。
    • VERB
      If you cry something, you shout it or say it loudly.
      'Nancy Drew,' she cried, 'you're under arrest!'... “南茜·朱尔,”她喊道,“你被捕了!” I cried: 'It's wonderful news!' 我叫道:“真是个好消息!”
    • N-COUNT
      A cry is a loud, high sound that you make when you feel a strong emotion such as fear, pain, or pleasure.
      A cry of horror broke from me... 我吓得大叫了一声。 Her brother gave a cry of recognition... 她哥哥认了出来,惊呼了一声。
    • N-COUNT
      A cry is a shouted word or phrase, usually one that is intended to attract someone's attention.
      Thousands of Ukrainians burst into cries of 'bravo' on the steps of the parliament... 成千上万的乌克兰人聚集在议会门前高喊“好啊”。 Passers-by heard his cries for help. 路过的人听到了他求救的呼喊。
    • N-COUNT
      You can refer to a public protest about something or an appeal for something as a cry of some kind.
      There have been cries of outrage about this expenditure... 这项开支遭到了一些人愤怒的指责。 Many other countries have turned a deaf ear to their cries for help. 很多其他国家对他们的求助置若罔闻。
    • N-COUNT
      A bird's or animal's cry is the loud, high sound that it makes.
      ...the cry of a seagull. 海鸥的鸣叫
    • PHRASE
      Something that is a far cry from something else is very different from it.
      Their lives are a far cry from his own poor childhood. 他们的生活与他那贫苦的童年生活相比大相径庭。
    • PHRASE
      When someone is in full cry, they are expressing their views very strongly or are very active.
      The main opposition party is already in full cry over this mishandling of security. 主要反对党已经对这起安全事故的错误处理进行了猛烈抨击。
    • EXCLAM
      You use the expression for crying out loud in order to show that you are annoyed or impatient, or to add force to a question or request.
      I mean, what's he ever done in his life, for crying out loud? 我的意思是,天啊,他一生中到底做过什么呀?
    • vt. & vi.
      The baby can cry as soon as he is born. 婴儿生下来就会哭 。 She cried bitterly tears. 她流出了伤心的眼泪。 She cried herself blind. 她把眼睛都哭瞎了。
      喊, 叫
      It was a very sad film, it made me cry. 那是一部很感人的影片, 让我流泪。 He cried that he had found the key. 他大声地叫喊找到了钥匙。
    • vt.
      叫卖; 大声报道; 哭着说
      Peddlers cried their wares in the streets. 小贩们沿街叫卖货物。
    • n.
      哭, 哭声,一阵哭泣
      I feel like a good cry. 我真想痛痛快快地大哭一场。
      叫喊, 叫声
      The tiger in the cage gave a thrilling cry. 笼子里的老虎发出了令人毛骨悚然的吼声。
      要求; 呼吁
      At the meeting, the parents were in full cry, demanding further government spending on schools. 会上家长们大声疾呼, 要求政府增拨教育经费。
    • Noun
      1. a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition;
      "the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience"
      2. a loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate);
      "a cry of rage""a yell of pain"
      3. a slogan used to rally support for a cause;
      "a cry to arms""our watchword will be `democracy'"
      4. a fit of weeping;
      "had a good cry"
      5. the characteristic utterance of an animal;
      "animal cries filled the night"
    • Verb
      1. utter a sudden loud cry;
      "she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle""I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me"
      2. shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain;
      "She cried bitterly when she heard the news of his death""The girl in the wheelchair wept with frustration when she could not get up the stairs"
      3. utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy;
      "`I won!' he exclaimed""`Help!' she cried""`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost"
      4. proclaim or announce in public;
      "before we had newspapers, a town cryer would cry the news""He cried his merchandise in the market square"
      5. demand immediate action;
      "This situation is crying for attention"
      6. utter a characteristic sound;
      "The cat was crying"
      7. bring into a particular state by crying;
      "The little boy cried himself to sleep"
    • 医学: 喊声:突然响亮的不自主的声带发声;喊叫:发生喊声;哭泣;