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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • behind closed doors
    taking place secretly or without public knowledge 秘密地;暗中地
  • closed book
    a subject or person about which one knows nothing 完全理解不了的科目;完全理解不了的人
    Mr Jobs had a reputation as a control freak (怪人), and his critics complained that the products and systems he designed were closed and inflexible, in the name of greater ease of use.
    While Gail Obcamp, an American artist was giving a speech on the art of Japanese brush painting to an audience that included visitors from Japan, she was confused to see that many of her Japanese listeners have their eyes closed.
    Japanese listeners sometimes closed their eyes to enhance concentration
    With effort and money, the graduation gap can be closed.
    Washington and Lee University is cited as an example to show that the gap of graduation rates between whites and minorities can be closed
    While Gail Obcamp, an American artist was giving a speech on the art of Japanese brush painting to an audience that included visitors from Japan, she was confused to see that many of her Japanese listeners have their eyes closed.
    A closed group of people does not welcome new people or ideas from outside.
    It was to be a closed circle of no more than twelve women... 它本来应该是一个不超过12名女性的封闭的小圈子。 It is a closed society in the sense that they've not been exposed to many things. 他们接触的事不多,从这一方面来说这是个封闭的社团。
  • adj.
    Sounds of cheering filtered in through the closed window. 欢呼声透过关闭的窗户传了进来。 She felt the tears burning against her closed lids. 她感到灼热的泪水在紧闭的眼中涌动。
    The area has been declared a closed military zone. 这个地区已宣布为军事禁区。 The balcony was closed with bars. 阳台用铁条封上了。
    Journalists protested that the trial was being held behind closed doors. 记者抗议审判秘密进行。
    I’m afraid geophysics is rather a closed book to me. 我对地球物理学一窍不通。
  • Adjective
    1. not open or affording passage or access;
    "the many closed streets made travel difficult""our neighbors peeped from behind closed curtains"
    2. of a curve or surface; having no end points or boundary curves; of a set; having members that can be produced by a specific operation on other members of the same set; of an interval; containing both its endpoints
    3. not open;
    "the door slammed shut"
    4. used especially of mouth or eyes;
    "he sat quietly with closed eyes""his eyes were shut against the sunlight"
    5. requiring union membership;
    "a closed shop"
    6. with shutters closed
    7. not open to the general public;
    "a closed meeting"
    8. not having an open mind;
    "a closed mind unreceptive to new ideas"
    9. blocked against entry;
    "a closed porch"
    10. (of the wings of birds and insects) closed together
    11. shut down;
    "the airport is closed because of the weather""the many closed shops and factories made the town look deserted"
  • 体育: 有严格规定的;关闭面;
    土木工程: 闭式热水热网;closed-type hot-water heat-supply network;
    机械: 闭环控制;closed-loop control, feed-back control 又称“反馈控制”。使控制作用持久地取决于被控变量测量结果的控制。;