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  • 柯林斯词典释义


[kɔ:zd] [kɔzd]
    But while printing quickly caused the hand written book to die out, handwriting lingered on (继续存在) well into the 16th century.
    Few Americans understand what caused the recession.
    The authors documented an annual drop of as many as 120,000 cases of heart disease, 66,000 instances of stroke and 99,000 heart attacks caused by high blood pressure after a 3-g-per-day reduction in salt
    What has probably caused closeness to increase among sisters and brothers according to VC?
    Besides the sharp increase in oil prices, OPEC's 1973 oil embargo caused panic in the West
    In the second paragraph, the author challenges the view that the collapse of rain forests is caused by direct human interference.
  • (常指坏事的)原因,诱因
    The cause of an event, usually a bad event, is the thing that makes it happen.
    Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease... 在可以预防的引发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位。 The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions. 原因很复杂,既有地方性冲突也有全国范围的紧张局势。
  • 引起;导致
    To cause something, usually something bad, means to make it happen.
    Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems... 试图在某些少数民族地区限制生育可能会引起问题。 This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry. 这是好心办错事,可是确实让我担心了一阵子。
  • 理由;缘由
    If you have cause for a particular feeling or action, you have good reasons for feeling it or doing it.
    Only a few people can find any cause for celebration... 只有少数几个人能找到庆祝的理由。 Both had much cause to be grateful for the secretiveness of government in Britain. 双方都有充分的理由对英国政府的行事隐秘深表感激。
  • 事业;追求;目标;理想
    A cause is an aim or principle which a group of people supports or is fighting for.
    Refusing to have one leader has not helped the cause. 拒绝推举一名领导者对此项事业毫无帮助。
  • 因果;因果关系
    You use cause and effect to talk about the way in which one thing is caused by another.
    ...fundamental laws of biological cause and effect. 生物学上因果关系的根本法则
  • (为了特定目的)与…联手,与…配合
    If one group of people makes common cause with another, they act together in order to achieve a particular aim even though their aims and beliefs are normally very different.
    They make common cause for a few purposes, but for the most part, they pursue their own interests. 他们因为几个目的而联手,可是多数情况下,他们追逐着各自的利益。
  • 为了公益事业;为了行善
    If you say that something is in a good cause or for a good cause, you mean that it is worth doing or giving to because it will help other people, for example by raising money for charity.
    The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause. 想要为公益事业筹集资金的人都可以参加雷利国际自行车比赛。