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  • 四级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • the boot (或 北美
    the situation, in particular the holding of advantage, has reversed 情况变得与原来相反
  • boots and all
    (Austral./NZ informal)with no holds barred; wholeheartedly (澳/新西兰,非正式)不受约束地;全心全意地
  • die with one's boots on
    die in battle or while actively occupied 战死;工作时死去
  • get the boot
    (informal)be dismissed from one's job (非正式)被解雇
  • give someone the boot
    (informal)dismiss someone from their job (非正式)解雇
  • old boot
    (informal)an old woman considered to be ugly and contemptible (非正式)老丑妇
  • put the boot in (或 into someone)
    (Brit. informal)kick someone hard when they are on the ground (英,非正式)(在对方倒地后)狠狠踢上一脚
  • with one's heart in one's boots
    in a state of great depression or trepidation 极为悲观消沉
  • you (can) bet your boots
    (informal)used to express absolute certainty about a situation or statement (非正式)准保没错,有把握
  • to boot
    In addition; besides. 并且;加之
    The boot time is pretty fast, and he navigates through (浏览 ) a few chapters before swiping into a fully rendered 3D molecule that can be spun around to view its various building blocks.
    Boots are shoes that cover your whole foot and the lower part of your leg.
    He sat in a kitchen chair, reached down and pulled off his boots... 他坐到厨房的椅子上,俯身脱掉了靴子。 He was wearing riding pants, high boots, and spurs. 他穿着马裤和长筒靴,靴上带着马刺。
    Boots are strong, heavy shoes which cover your ankle and which have thick soles. You wear them to protect your feet, for example when you are walking or taking part in sport.
    The soldiers' boots resounded in the street... 士兵的军靴声在街上回荡。 Equip yourself with stout walking boots and sticks. 你自己要准备好结实的步行靴和拐杖。
  • VERB
    If you boot something such as a ball, you kick it hard.
    He booted the ball 40 yards back up field... 他一脚踢出40码远,把球踢回前场。 One guy booted the door down. 一个人猛地踹倒了门。
    The boot of a car is a covered space at the back or front, in which you carry things such as luggage and shopping.
    He opened the boot to put my bags in... 他打开行李箱把我带的包放了进去。 Harris got a rope from the car boot. 哈里斯从汽车行李箱里拿出一条绳子。
  • VERB
    To boot a car means to fit a Denver boot to one of its wheels so that it cannot be driven away.
    'If we're gettin' booted, we sure as hell ain't leavin' it for the locals.' “如果我们的车轮被锁住,我们绝不会把车留给当地人。”
    If you get the boot or are given the boot, you are told that you are not wanted any more, either in your job or by someone you are having a relationship with.
    She was a disruptive influence, and after a year or two she got the boot... 她总是影响正常的工作,一两年后便被解雇了。 His girl gave him the boot. 他被女友抛弃了。
    If someone puts the boot in, they attack another person by saying something cruel, often when the person is already feeling weak or upset.
    You can say to boot to emphasize that you have added something else to something or to a list of things that you have just said.
    He is making money and receiving free advertising to boot! 他既挣了钱,又做了免费的广告! They have to be thin, attractive and well-dressed to boot. 她们必须得既苗条又迷人,而且一定要打扮漂亮。
  • n.
    长统靴, 高统鞋
    He laced up his boots. 他系紧靴子的鞋带。
    后备箱, 行李箱
    Put the luggage in the boot. 把行李放在汽车行李箱里。
    What he needs is a good boot up the backside! 他需要的是在他屁股上狠狠踢一脚。
  • vt.
    He booted the ball across the field. 他把球踢到场地的另一头。
    They booted him out of the company for not working. 他们以他不工作为由把他开除出公司。
    Put in your starting disk and boot the computer by pressing Control. 放入启动盘,按控制键启动计算机。
  • Noun
    1. footwear that covers the whole foot and lower leg
    2. British term for the luggage compartment in a car
    3. the swift release of a store of affective force;
    "they got a great bang out of it""what a boot!""he got a quick rush from injecting heroin""he does it for kicks"
    4. protective casing for something that resembles a leg
    5. an instrument of torture that is used to crush the foot and leg
    6. the act of delivering a blow with the foot;
    "he gave the ball a powerful kick""the team's kicking was excellent"
  • Verb
    1. kick; give a boot to
    2. cause to load (an operating system) and start the initial processes;
    "boot your computer"
  • 体育: 双层高山靴;潜水靴;球鞋;保护罩;护腿;失误;猛踢;
    医学: 靴;
    土木工程: 靴梁: boot-beam plate;
    法律: 附约财产;附约利益;
    金融: 附得利益;补贴差额;