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[bet] [bet]
  • 第三人称单数:bets;
  • 过去式:bet; betted;
  • 过去分词:bet; betted;
  • 现在分词:betting;
  • 例句
    • 以下这两个动词均含有"打赌,赌博" 的意思
    • all bets are off
      (informal)the outcome of a situation is unpredictable (非正式)世事难料
    • bet the farm
      (N. Amer. informal)risk everything that one owns on a bet, investment, or enterprise (北美,非正式)(在赌博、投资或风险事业上)孤注一掷;破釜沉舟
    • don't (或 wouldn't) bet on it
      (informal)used to express doubt about an assertion or situation (非正式)这拿不准
    • want to bet?
      (informal)used to express vigorous disagreement with a confident assertion (非正式)敢打赌吗?(用于表示强烈不同意某种说法)
    • you bet
      (informal)you may be sure; certainly (非正式)你放心;当然,一定
    • you bet【非正式用语】
      Of course; surely. 当然;的确
      I bet you get a lot of requests for it.
      When planes fall from the sky, as a Yemeni airliner did on its way to Comoros Islands in the India ocean June 30, 2009, the black box is the best bet for identifying what went wrong.
      Offering a job to a man is the safer bet.
    • VERB
      If you bet on the result of a horse race, football game, or other event, you give someone a sum of money which they give you back with extra money if the result is what you predicted, or which they keep if it is not.
      Jockeys are forbidden to bet on the outcome of races... 职业赛马骑师禁止对赛马结果下注。 I bet £10 on a horse called Premonition... 我在一匹名叫“预兆”的赛马上下了10英镑的赌注。
    • N-COUNT
      A bet is a sum of money which you give to someone when you bet.
      You can put a bet on almost anything these days. 如今几乎可以对任何东西下赌注。
    • VERB
      If someone is betting that something will happen, they are hoping or expecting that it will happen.
      The party is betting that the presidential race will turn into a battle for younger voters... 该党期待这次总统竞选变成一场争取年轻一代选民的斗争。 People were betting on a further easing of credit conditions. 人们期待着贷款条件进一步放宽。
    • PHRASE
      You use expressions such as 'I bet', 'I'll bet', and 'you can bet' to indicate that you are sure something is true.
      I bet you were good at games when you were at school... 我敢说你上学时体育很棒。 I bet you anything you like he's a pimp... 我敢打包票,他是个皮条客。
    • PHRASE
      If you tell someone that something is a good bet, you are suggesting that it is the thing or course of action that they should choose.
      Textiles are a good bet for a country bent on industrialisation... 纺织业对于致力于工业化的国家来说是个比较稳妥的产业。 Your best bet is to choose a guest house. 你最好选择一个小旅馆。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that it is a good bet or a safe bet that something is true or will happen, you are saying that it is extremely likely to be true or to happen.
      It is a safe bet that the current owners will not sell. 十有八九现在的业主不会出售。
    • PHRASE
      If you hedge your bets, you follow two courses of action to avoid making a decision between two things because you cannot decide which one is right.
      NASA is hedging its bets and adopting both strategies. 美国航空航天局做了两手准备,两套策略双管齐下。
    • PHRASE
      You use I bet or I'll bet in reply to a statement to show that you agree with it or that you expected it to be true, usually when you are annoyed or amused by it.
      'I'd like to ask you something,' I said. — 'I bet you would,' she grinned. “我想问你点事,”我说。——“我就知道你要问,”她笑道。
    • PHRASE
      You can use my bet is or it's my bet to give your personal opinion about something, when you are fairly sure that you are right.
      My bet is that next year will be different... 我敢说明年不会这样。 It's my bet that he's the guy behind this killing. 我认为他就是这起凶杀案的幕后主使。
    • PHRASE
      If you say don't bet on something or I wouldn't bet on something, you mean that you do not think that something is true or will happen.
      'We'll never get a table in there' — 'Don't bet on it.' “我们在那儿是订不上座了。”——“那可不一定。”
      If you reply 'Do you want to bet?' or 'Want a bet?' to someone, you mean you are certain that what they have said is wrong.
      'Money can't buy happiness.' — 'Want to bet?' “金钱买不到幸福。”——“敢打赌吗?”
    • PHRASE
      You use 'You bet' or 'you bet your life' to say yes in an emphatic way or to emphasize a reply or statement.
      'It's settled, then?' — 'You bet.'... “那么,就这么定了?”——“定了。” 'Are you afraid of snakes?' — 'You bet your life I'm afraid of snakes.' “你怕蛇吗?”——“这还用问,我当然怕啦。”
    • n.
      赌金, 赌注
      His bet on the boat race was 50. 他下在赛船上的赌注是50美元。
    • vt. & vi.
      Some people are fond of betting. 有些人喜欢打赌。 I'll bet you. 我将与你打赌。 I bet you twenty cents on his winning. 我跟你赌20美分他赢。
      肯定, 确信
      I bet you can't do this puzzle. 我敢说, 你解决不了这个难题。
    • vi.
      Which horse did you bet on? 你赌哪一匹马?
    • vt.
      I bet that it will snow tomorrow. 我敢说明天一定会下雪。
      I bet her £200 that she would lose the vote. 我拿200英镑和她打赌,说她在选举中肯定落选。
    • Noun
      1. the money risked on a gamble
      2. the act of gambling;
      "he did it on a bet"
    • Verb
      1. maintain with or as if with a bet;
      "I bet she will be there!"
      2. stake on the outcome of an issue;
      "I bet $100 on that new horse""She played all her money on the dark horse"
      3. have faith or confidence in;
      "you can count on me to help you any time""Look to your friends for support""You can bet on that!""Depend on your family in times of crisis"
    • 体育: 打赌;赌注;预测;