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  • aside from
    apart from 除了
  • set something aside
    remove land from agricultural production for fallow or other use 为休耕(或其他目的)而不把土地用作农业生产 annul a legal decision or process 撤销判决(或法律程序)
  • take (或 draw) someone aside
    move someone away from a group of people in order to talk to them privately 把…从人群中叫出来以私下谈话
    Aside from the panels on the roof, Premier Gardens looks like a community of conventional homes.
    A man who had recently reconciled with his brother told Gold there's something that lets older people to put aside bad deeds of the past and focus a little on what we need now, especially when it's sisters and brothers.
    But in order to take advantage of these common-sense solutions, Americans will have to put aside their own attachment to the idea of smaller government and less regulation.
    Soon after I arrived, the chief executive of the agency that had invited us took me aside.
  • ADV
    If you move something aside, you move it to one side of you.
    Sarah closed the book and laid it aside. 萨拉合上书,把它放在了一边。
  • ADV
    If you take or draw someone aside, you take them a little way away from a group of people in order to talk to them in private.
    Billy Ewing grabbed him by the elbow and took him aside... 比利·尤因拉着他的胳膊肘把他带到了一边。 Will put his arm around her shoulders and drew her aside. 威尔一只胳膊搂着她的肩膀,把她拉到了一边。
  • ADV
    If you move aside, you get out of someone's way.
    She had been standing in the doorway, but now she stepped aside to let them pass. 她一直在门口站着,但是现在闪到了一边,让他们过去了。
  • ADV
    If you set something such as time, money, or space aside for a particular purpose, you save it and do not use it for anything else.
    She wants to put her pocket-money aside for holidays. 她想把零花钱攒起来用于度假。 ...the ground set aside for the new cathedral. 为建新的大教堂留出的空地
  • ADV
    If you brush or sweep aside a feeling or suggestion, you reject it.
    Talk to a friend who will really listen and not brush aside your feelings... 和一个能真正倾听你诉说并重视你感受的朋友谈谈。 The Prime Minister swept aside concern about the rising cost of mortgages. 首相对按揭费用上涨的忧虑置之不理。
  • ADV
    You use aside to indicate that you have finished talking about something, or that you are leaving it out of your discussion, and that you are about to talk about something else.
    Leaving aside the tiny minority who are clinically depressed, most people who have bad moods also have very good moods... 撇开极少数临床抑郁症患者不谈,大多数情绪低落的人也有心情非常愉快的时候。 Emotional arguments aside, here are the facts. 撇开那些情绪化的争论不谈,下面只说客观事实。
    An aside is a comment that a character in a play makes to the audience, which the other characters are supposed not to be able to hear.
    Exasperated with her children, she rolls her eyes and mutters an aside to the camera, 'No wonder I drink!' 在被她的孩子们激怒后,她翻了一下白眼对着镜头嘀咕道,“难怪我会酗酒!”
    An aside is something that you say that is not directly connected with what you are talking about.
    The pace of the book is leisurely, with enjoyable literary and historical asides. 这本书节奏明快,另外还穿插了一些趣味盎然的文史掌故。
  • adv.
    在一边, 到旁边
    He stepped aside to let them pass. 他站到一旁让他们通过。
  • Noun
    1. a line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage
    2. a message that departs from the main subject
  • Adverb
    1. on or to one side;
    "step aside""stood aside to let him pass""threw the book aside""put her sewing aside when he entered"
    2. out of the way (especially away from one's thoughts);
    "brush the objections aside""pushed all doubts away"
    3. not taken into account or excluded from consideration;
    "these problems apart, the country is doing well""all joking aside, I think you're crazy"
    4. in a different direction;
    "turn aside""turn away one's face""glanced away"
    5. placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose;
    "had a feeling of being set apart""quality sets it apart""a day set aside for relaxing"
    6. in reserve; not for immediate use;
    "started setting aside money to buy a car""put something by for her old age""has a nestegg tucked away for a rainy day"