• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 同义词
  • 反义词
  • 同义词解析
  • 四级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义


[əˈlaʊ] [əˈlaʊ]
  • 第三人称单数:allows;
  • 过去式:allowed;
  • 过去分词:allowed;
  • 现在分词:allowing;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词均包含 "让,允许" 的意思
      allow :普通用词,侧重听任、默许或不加阻止。在正式场合可用来表客气的请求。
      let :常用词,用于各种非正式场合,语气最弱,指允许或无力阻止某事,暗示漠不关心或听之任之。
      permit :正式用词,在多数场合可与allow换用,语义最强,指准许某人做某事,含权威或正式的意味。
      leave :侧重不加干涉。
      authorize :语气最强,指权威性的允许与认可。
      It allows for economic efficiency, and when we buy things from places that have lower production costs than we do, we benefit.
      In general, you will want to do strength training two or three days a week, allowing recovery days between sessions.
      The big change is the availability of more data about people and things, which allows physical assets to be divided and consumed as services.
    • VERB
      If someone is allowed to do something, it is all right for them to do it and they will not get into trouble.
      The children are not allowed to watch violent TV programmes... 儿童不准收看含暴力内容的电视节目。 The Government will allow them to advertise on radio and television... 政府将准许他们在广播和电视上做广告。
    • VERB
      If you are allowed something, you are given permission to have it or are given it.
      Gifts like chocolates or flowers are allowed... 巧克力、鲜花等礼物在允许之列。 He should be allowed the occasional treat. 应该准许他偶尔也轻松一下。
    • VERB
      If you allow something to happen, you do not prevent it.
      He won't allow himself to fail... 他不会任由自己失败的。 If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die. 如果听任土壤变干,树木可能会枯死。
    • VERB
      If one thing allows another thing to happen, the first thing creates the opportunity for the second thing to happen.
      The compromise will allow him to continue his free market reforms. 妥协将使他得以继续他的自由市场改革。 ...an attempt to allow the Moslem majority a greater share of power... 使穆斯林多数派拥有更大权力的尝试
    • VERB
      If you allow a particular length of time or a particular amount of something for a particular purpose, you include it in your planning.
      Please allow 28 days for delivery... 请留出28天的送货时间。 Allow about 75ml (3fl oz) per six servings. 每6份酌加约75毫升(3液盎司)。
    • VERB
      If you allow that something is true, you admit or agree that it is true.
      Warren also allows that capitalist development may, in its early stages, result in increased social inequality. 沃伦也承认资本主义发展初级阶段可能会导致社会不平等现象加剧。
    • PHRASE
      Some people say 'Allow me' as a polite way of offering to do something for someone.
      Allow me to buy you a drink at the bar. 让我来请你喝一杯。
    • PHRASE
      Some people use Allow me to... as a way of introducing something that they want to say or do.
      Allow me to introduce Dr Amberg. 请允许我介绍安伯格博士。
    • vt.
      允许, 许可(做某事)
      I don't think he would allow it. 我想他不会允许的。 Do they allow smoking in the cinemas? 他们允许在电影院里抽烟吗? Allow me to introduce you to our headmaster. 请允许我介绍你见见我们的校长。
      给予, 让…得到
      The court allowed a sum of money to each child for clothing. 法院判给每个孩子一笔服装费。
      承认, 认为
      The referee refused to allow the goal. 裁判不承认这次进球。 You must allow yourself to be wrong. 你必须承认自己错了。
      Jack had allowed himself to become fat. 杰克听任自己发胖。
    • vi.
      a premise that allow of only one conclusion 假设容许只有一个结论
    • Verb
      1. make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen;
      "This permits the water to rush in""This sealed door won't allow the water come into the basement""This will permit the rain to run off"
      2. consent to, give permission;
      "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband""I won't let the police search her basement""I cannot allow you to see your exam"
      3. let have;
      "grant permission""Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison"
      4. give or assign a share of money or time to a particular person or cause;
      "I will earmark this money for your research"
      5. make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain;
      "This leaves no room for improvement""The evidence allows only one conclusion""allow for mistakes""leave lots of time for the trip""This procedure provides for lots of leeway"
      6. allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something;
      "I allow for this possibility""The seamstress planned for 5% shrinkage after the first wash"
      7. afford possibility;
      "This problem admits of no solution""This short story allows of several different interpretations"
      8. allow the other (baseball) team to score;
      "give up a run"
      9. grant as a discount or in exchange;
      "The camera store owner allowed me $50 on my old camera"
      10. allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting;
      "We don't allow dogs here""Children are not permitted beyond this point""We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital"
    • 法律: 许可;承认;