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  • 以下这些动词均有"欢迎,致敬,致意,招呼" 的意思
    address :侧重打招呼的方式或指所使用的称谓。
    greet :常指友好而热诚地欢迎。
    salute :正式用词,指用敬礼、亲吻或挥帽等动作向他人致意或问候,尤指以某种礼节欢迎某人。
    hail :主要指怀着敬意欢迎某人,侧重欢快轻松和嘈杂。也指隔得较远的高声招呼。
    welcome :多指热情的官方的或正式的迎接或欢迎,但也指一般的欢迎。
  • 以下这些名词均包含 "演讲,讲话,报告" 的意思
    address :正式用词,指在庄严隆重的场合作精心准备的演讲或正式演说。
    speech :普通用词,指一般的发言或讲话,可以是事先准备的,也可以是即席的。
    lecture :侧重带学术性的演讲。
    oration :常指在特殊场合,辞藻华丽,形式庄重,旨在激发听众感情的正式演说。
    report :一般是指下级给上级或负责人给委托机关的书面或口头报告。
    talk :常用词,强调非正式讲话,讲话方式一般较为自由。
  • private address
  • secret address
  • form of address
    a name or title used in speaking or writing to a person of a specified rank or function 称呼(方式)
    Of course, Inkling addresses several of the other shortcomings in traditional print as well.
    I recommend Harvard's 2011 "Pathways to Prosperity" report for more attention to the "forgotten half" (those who do not go on to college) and ideas about how to address this issue.
    Swedish economists Magnus Henrekson and Mikael Stenkula addressed the following question in their 2009study:why are there so few female top executives in the European egalitarian(平等主义的)welfare states?
    Each group over the coming decades will need to address different issues surrounding food production, storage and transportation, as well as consumer expectations, if we are to continue to feed all our people.
    Such a projection presents mankind with wide-ranging social, economic, environmental and political issues that need to be addressed today to ensure a sustainable future for all.
    Your address is the number of the house, flat, or apartment and the name of the street and the town where you live or work.
    The address is 2025 M Street, Northwest, Washington, DC, 20036... 地址为华盛顿特区,西北区,M大街2025号,邮政编码20036。 We require details of your name and address. 我们需要你的姓名和地址的详细信息。
  • VERB
    If a letter, envelope, or parcel is addressed to you, your name and address have been written on it.
    Applications should be addressed to: The business affairs editor. 申请表应寄给;商务编辑。
    The address of a website is its location on the Internet, for example http://www.cobuild.collins.co.uk.
    Internet addresses are also known as URLs. 网址也被称作URL。
    The address of a cell on a computer spreadsheet refers to the particular row and column number where it is located, for example 'C2' or 'N63'.
  • VERB
    If you address a group of people, you give a speech to them.
    He is due to address a conference on human rights next week. 他下星期将在一个大会上发表关于人权的演说。
  • VERB
    If you address someone or address a remark to them, you say something to them.
    The two foreign ministers did not address each other directly when they last met... 这两位外交部长在上次会面时并没有直接的言语交流。 He addressed his remarks to Eleanor, ignoring Maria. 他和埃莉诺聊了聊,而没搭理玛丽亚。
  • VERB
    If you address someone by a name or a title such as 'sir', you call them that name or title when you talk or write to them.
    I heard him address her as darling... 我听见他称她为“亲爱的”。 The Duchess should be addressed as Your Grace. 公爵夫人应被称为“大人”。
  • VERB
    If you address a problem or task or if you address yourself to it, you try to understand it or deal with it.
    Mr King sought to address those fears when he spoke at the meeting... 金先生在会上讲话时试图消除那些恐惧。 Throughout the book we have addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics. 整本书中我们都在探讨伦理观的问题。
  • n.
    The President gave an address to the nation over the radio. 总统向全国发表广播演说。
    What's your home address? 你的家庭地址在哪儿?
  • vt.
    向…讲话, 向…发表演说; 写信给…
    He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech. 他对听众讲起话来滔滔不绝。
    How shall we address a prince? 我们如何称呼一个王子?
    The letter was addressed to the wrong house. 这封信写错了地址。
    (直接地)对…说话;写信给,函告,与…通信,把(邮件等)寄至;使用(口头或书面言词)将(信息、警告等)针对而发[有时用address oneself](to)
    He addressed his remarks to the lawyers in the audience. 他对听众中的律师们讲话。
    We should address her as our equal. 我们应该平等地对待她。
    [address oneself]致力于,从事于,忙于;把注意力放在(to)
    Let us address ourselves to the matter in hand. 让我们动手干手头的事。
    The problem will only get worse if it is not addressed. 如果不重点解决一下,这个问题只能恶化。
  • Noun
    1. (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored
    2. the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with
    3. the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience;
    "he listened to an address on minor Roman poets"
    4. the manner of speaking to another individual;
    "he failed in his manner of address to the captain"
    5. a sign in front of a house or business carrying the conventional form by which its location is described
    6. written directions for finding some location; written on letters or packages that are to be delivered to that location
    7. the stance assumed by a golfer in preparation for hitting a golf ball
    8. social skill
  • Verb
    1. speak to;
    "He addressed the crowd outside the window"
    2. give a speech to;
    "The chairman addressed the board of trustees"
    3. put an address on (an envelope, for example)
    4. direct a question at someone
    5. address or apply oneself to something, direct one's efforts towards something, such as a question
    6. greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name;
    "He always addresses me with `Sir'""Call me Mister""She calls him by first name"
    7. access or locate by address
    8. deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression;
    "This book deals with incest""The course covered all of Western Civilization""The new book treats the history of China"
    9. speak to someone
    10. adjust and aim (a golf ball) at in preparation fo hitting
  • 体育: 站立;瞄准击球;
    法律: 地址;
    电力: 地址;
    航海科技: 收报人名址;
    通信: 地址;通信中,信息的源和目的地的编码表示。;
    铁道: 地址;