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  • adj.
  • square的反义词之:其他释义
  • back to (或at) square one
    (informal)back to where one started, with no progress having been made (非正式)回到起点,回到原处;无所进展
  • square accounts with
  • square the circle
    construct a square equal in area to a given circle (a problem incapable of a purely geometrical solution) 作一与已知圆面积相等的正方形(一个不能用纯几何的方法来解决的问题)
  • a square deal
  • a square peg in a round hole
  • square something away
    (N. Amer.)arrange or deal with in a satisfactory way (北美)把…弄整齐;把…做得使人满意
  • square someone off
    (Austral.)conciliate or placate someone (澳)安慰,安抚,抚慰
  • square away
    &I{Nautical} To square the yards of a sailing vessel. &I{【航海】} 拉起帆船的帆布 To put away or in order. 整理:在…放起来或整齐地放
  • square off
    To assume a fighting stance; prepare to fight. 摆出作战姿势;准备作战
  • square up
    To settle a bill or debt. 结清清单或债务
  • on the square
    &I{Mathematics} At right angles. &I{【数学】} 成直角 Honestly and openly 诚实地并公开地
  • out of square
    &I{Mathematics} Not at exact right angles. &I{【数学】} 不成很准确的直角 Not in agreement. 意见不同
  • square peg in a round hole【非正式用语】
    A misfit. 不适应,不称职的人
    Houses built before 1939 use about 50% more energy per square foot than those built after 2000, mainly due to the tiny cracks and gaps that expand over time and let in more outside air.
    His conduct does not square with his words
    A square is a shape with four sides that are all the same length and four corners that are all right angles.
    Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in squares... 等蛋糕温热或凉至室温时切成四方块端上桌。 There was a calendar on the wall, with large squares around the dates... 墙上有一幅日历,每个日期都用大方框框着。
    In a town or city, a square is a flat open place, often in the shape of a square.
    The house is located in one of Pimlico's prettiest garden squares... 房子位于皮姆利科最美丽的一个花园广场上。 The town centre is thick with churches and cafe-lined squares. 市中心随处都是教堂和被咖啡店包围的广场。
    Something that is square has a shape the same as a square or similar to a square.
    Round tables seat more people in the same space as a square table... 在相同的空间里,圆桌比起方桌可以坐下更多的人。 His finger nails were square and cut neatly across. 他的手指甲是方形的,修剪得很齐。
  • ADJ
    Square is used before units of length when referring to the area of something. For example, if something is three metres long and two metres wide, its area is six square metres.
    Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space... 金丝雀码头计划要提供 1,000 万平方英尺的办公面积。 The Philippines has just 6,000 square kilometres of forest left. 菲律宾只剩下 6,000 平方公里的森林了。
  • ADJ
    Square is used after units of length when you are giving the length of each side of something that is square in shape.
    ...a linen cushion cover, 45 cm square. 一个亚麻靠垫套,长宽为 45 厘米 ...two pieces of wood 4 inches square. 两块长宽均为 4 英寸的木片
  • VERB
    To square a number means to multiply it by itself. For example, 3 squared is 3 x 3, or 9. 3 squared is usually written as 32.
    Take the time in seconds, square it, and multiply by 5.12... 记下用了多少秒时间,将其平方,再乘以5.12。 A squared plus B squared equals C squared. A 的平方加上 B 的平方等于 C 的平方。
    The square of a number is the number produced when you multiply that number by itself. For example, the square of 3 is 9.
    ...the square of the speed of light, an exceedingly large number. 光速的平方,一个天文数字
  • V-ERG
    If you square two different ideas or actions with each other or if they square with each other, they fit or match each other.
    That explanation squares with the facts, doesn't it... 那个解释和事实相符,不是吗? He set out to square his dreams with reality. 他开始让自己的梦想接近现实。
  • VERB
    If you square something with someone, you ask their permission or check with them that what you are doing is acceptable to them.
    I squared it with Dan, who said it was all right so long as I was back next Monday morning... 我征得了丹的同意,他说只要我下周一早上能回来就行。 She should have squared things with Jay before she went into this business with Walker. 她本该在和沃克联手进入这一行之前先征得杰伊的同意。
    If you say that someone squares the circle, you mean that they bring together two things which are normally thought to be so different that they cannot exist together.
    He has squared the circle of keeping the City happy and doing something to improve business cash flow... 他做到了不可能做到的事,既让伦敦城满意,又增加了企业的现金流量。 'Nirvana' squared the circle by making a record that was both superb pop and rock music at the same time. “涅磐”乐队做到了不可能做到的事,录制了一张既有流行风又带有摇滚范儿的唱片。
    If you are back to square one, you have to start dealing with something from the beginning again because the way you were dealing with it has failed.
    If your complaint is not upheld, you may feel you are back to square one... 如果你的投诉没有得到支持,你可能会感到自己又得重新开始。 We got a phone call from the lawyers and is was back to square one. 我们接到了律师的一个电话,一切又得从头开始。
    If you describe someone as a square peg in a round hole, you mean that they are completely unsuitable for the job they are doing or the situation they are in.
    Taylor is clearly the wrong man for the job—a square peg in a round hole. 泰勒显然不是做这份工作的合适人选——简直就是方枘圆凿。
  • n.
    Let's construct a square on this line. 让我们以这条线做一个正方形。 She formed the dough into squares. 她把生面团捏成四方块。
    The town council decided to pave the square before the Hall. 市议会决定把市政厅前的广场铺上石板。
  • adj.
    The tools are in a square box. 工具在一个方盒中。 The room is square. 房间是正方形的。
    He has a square jaw. 他有个方下巴。
    The campus covers an area of twenty square kilometres. 这个校园占地二十平方公里。 The square root of 144 is 12. 144的平方根是12。
  • vt.
    They squared a block of granite. 他们把一块花岗岩加工成四方形。
    The money will square him. 这钱可以让他还清账了。
    He has been squared to hold his tongue. 他已经被钱封住了嘴。
  • Noun
    1. (geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon;
    "you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides"
    2. the product of two equal terms;
    "nine is the second power of three""gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance"
    3. an open area at the meeting of two or more streets
    4. something approximating the shape of a square
    5. someone who doesn't understand what is going on
    6. a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views
    7. any artifact having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles;
    "a checkerboard has 64 squares"
    8. a hand tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles;
    "the carpenter who built this room must have lost his square"
  • Verb
    1. raise to the second power
    2. make square;
    "Square the circle""square the wood with a file"
    3. cause to match, as of ideas or acts
    4. position so as to be square;
    "He squared his shoulders"
    5. be compatible with;
    "one idea squares with another"
    6. pay someone and settle a debt;
    "I squared with him"
    7. turn the paddle; in canoeing
    8. turn the oar, while rowing
  • Adjective
    1. having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle;
    "a square peg in a round hole""a square corner"
    2. leaving no balance;
    "my account with you is now all square"
    3. characterized by honesty and fairness;
    "a square deal""wanted to do the square thing"
    4. without evasion or compromise;
    "a square contradiction""he is not being as straightforward as it appears"
    5. rigidly conventional or old-fashioned
  • Adverb
    1. in a straight direct way;
    "looked him squarely in the eye""ran square into me"
    2. with honesty and fairness;
    "dealt squarely with his customers""always treated me square"
    3. in a square shape;
    "a squarely cut piece of paper""folded the sheet of paper square"
    4. firmly and solidly;
    "hit the ball squarely""the bat met the ball squarely""planted his great bulk square before his enemy"
  • 体育: 篮板上的小黑框;正方形;抬平比分;棋盘上的方格子;入水时斜桨;广场;
    土木工程: 广场;
    数学: 平方;正方形;
    机械: 方波极谱仪;square-wave polarograph 在电解电路上施加线性和方波(频率50~250Hz,幅值10~30mV)叠加电压的极谱仪。其极谱图是有小阶梯的峰状波,由峰值电压定性,峰值电流定量。;
    林学: 方材;
    电力: 方波发生器;square-wave generator;