• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义


[ˈpremieə(r)] [prɪˈmɪr]
  • 复数:premieres;
  • 第三人称单数:premieres;
  • 过去式:premiered;
  • 过去分词:premiered;
  • 现在分词:premiering;
  • 相关单词 premieredpremieres
    • N-COUNT
      The premiere of a new play or film is the first public performance of it.
      A new Czechoslovak film has had its premiere at the Karlovy Vary film festival. 一部捷克斯洛伐克新电影在卡罗维发利电影节上首映。 ...a royal film premiere. 盛大的电影首映
    • V-ERG
      When a film or show premieres or is premiered, it is shown to an audience for the first time.
      The documentary premiered at the Jerusalem Film Festival... 这部纪录片在耶路撒冷电影节首映。 The opera is due to be premiered by ENO next year. 这部歌剧将于明年在英国国家歌剧院首演。
    • n.
      Lots of celebrities were at the film premiere. 许多名人出席了电影的首映式。 A gala dinner was held to celebrate the world premiere of the film. 为庆祝该电影在全球范围的首映举行了欢庆宴。
    • Noun
      1. the first public performance of a play or movie
    • Verb
      1. be performed for the first time;
      "We premiered the opera of the young composer and it was a critical success"
      2. perform a work for the first time
    • Adjective
      1. preceding all others in time;
      "the premiere showing"