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[hɑ:t] [hɑrt]
  • 复数:hearts;
  • 第三人称单数:hearts;
  • 过去式:hearted;
  • 过去分词:hearted;
  • 现在分词:hearting;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些名词均含有"中心" 的意思
    • after one's own heart
      of the type that one likes or understands best; sharing one's tastes 合自己心意,称自己的心;与自己有相同爱好
    • break someone's heart
      overwhelm someone with sadness 使心碎
    • close (或 dear) to (或 near) one's heart
      of deep interest and concern to one 感兴趣
    • from the (bottom of one's) heart
      with sincere feeling 发自内心的(地);诚心诚意的(地)
    • give (或 lose) one's heart
      to fall in love with 爱上
    • have a heart
      [often in imperative]be merciful; show pity 发慈悲,怜悯
    • have a heart of gold
      have a generous nature 有一颗仁厚的心,有一颗金子般的心
    • have the heart to do something
      [usu. with negative]be insensitive or hard-hearted enough to do something 忍心
    • have (或 put) one's heart in
      be (or become) keenly involved in or committed to (an enterprise) 全心全意地投入
    • have one's heart in one's mouth
      be greatly alarmed or apprehensive 提心吊胆,担心
    • have one's heart in the right place
      be sincere or well intentioned 为人诚恳;怀善意
    • heart of stone
      a stern or cruel nature 铁石心肠
    • hearts and flowers
      used in allusion to extreme sentimentality 感伤,多愁善感
    • hearts and minds
      used in reference to emotional and intellectual support or commitment 全心全意
      The authors documented an annual drop of as many as 120,000 cases of heart disease, 66,000 instances of stroke and 99,000 heart attacks caused by high blood pressure after a 3-g-per-day reduction in salt.
      The team conducted a computer-based analysis to determine the impact a 3-g-per-day reduction in salt intake on rates of heart disease and death.
      I had my heart set on it and I didn't let anything stand in my way.
      The learning paradox is at the heart of "productive failure".
      trillion China holds in reserve, currency traders have a heart attack.
      At the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question: are immigrants good or bad for the economy?
    • N-COUNT
      Your heart is the organ in your chest that pumps the blood around your body. People also use heart to refer to the area of their chest that is closest to their heart.
      The bullet had passed less than an inch from Andrea's heart... 子弹在离安德烈亚的心脏不到一英寸的地方穿过。 The only sound inside was the beating of his heart... 屋内唯一的声音就是他的心跳声。
    • N-COUNT
      You can refer to someone's heart when you are talking about their deep feelings and beliefs.
      Alik's words filled her heart with pride... 亚利克的话让她心感自豪。 I just couldn't bring myself to admit what I knew in my heart to be true. 我就是无法迫使自己承认心里知道的事实。
    • N-VAR
      You use heart when you are talking about someone's character and attitude towards other people, especially when they are kind and generous.
      She loved his brilliance and his generous heart... 她深爱他的才华横溢和古道热肠。 She's got a good heart but she's calculating. 她心地善良,但却工于心计。
    • N-SING
      If you refer to things of the heart, you mean love and relationships.
      This is an excellent time for affairs of the heart. 这是谈情说爱的绝佳时机。
    • N-SING
      The heart of something is the most central and important part of it.
      The heart of the problem is supply and demand... 问题的核心是供求关系。 Money lies at the heart of the debate over airline safety. 资金是空运安全争论中的实质问题。
    • N-SING
      The heart of a place is its centre.
      ...a busy dentists' practice in the heart of London's West End. 位于伦敦西区中心的一个繁忙的牙科诊所
    • N-COUNT
      The heart of a lettuce, cabbage, or other vegetable is its centre leaves.
    • N-COUNT
      A heart is a shape that is used as a symbol of love: ♥.
      ...heart-shaped chocolates. 心形巧克力
      Hearts is one of the four suits in a pack of playing cards. Each card in the suit is marked with one or more red symbols in the shape of a heart.
    • PHRASE
      If you feel or believe something with all your heart, you feel or believe it very strongly.
      My own family I loved with all my heart. 我真心实意地爱我全家人。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone is a particular kind of person at heart, you mean that that is what they are really like, even though they may seem very different.
      He was a very gentle boy at heart. 他实际上是个非常温柔的男生。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone has your interests or your welfare at heart, you mean that they are concerned about you and that is why they are doing something.
      She told him she only had his interests at heart. 她告诉他自己万事都是为了他好。
    • PHRASE
      If someone breaks your heart, they make you very sad and unhappy, usually because they end a love affair or close relationship with you.
    • PHRASE
      If something breaks your heart, it makes you feel very sad and depressed, especially because people are suffering but you can do nothing to help them.
      It really breaks my heart to see them this way. 看到他们这个样子可真让我伤心。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone has a broken heart, you mean that they are very sad, for example because a love affair has ended unhappily.
      She never recovered from her broken heart. 她心上的伤再也没能愈合。
    • PHRASE
      If you know something such as a poem by heart, you have learned it so well that you can remember it without having to read it.
      Mack knew this passage by heart. 麦克会背这一段。
    • PHRASE
      If someone has a change of heart, their attitude towards something changes.
      Several brokers have had a change of heart about prospects for the company... 几位经纪人对该公司前景的看法已经有所改变。 Why the change of heart? 为什么变了态度?
    • PHRASE
      If something such as a subject or project is close to your heart or near to your heart, it is very important to you and you are very interested in it and concerned about it.
      Animal welfare is a subject very close to my heart. 动物福利是我非常关注的一个问题。
    • PHRASE
      If you can do something to your heart's content, you can do it as much as you want.
      I was delighted to be able to eat my favorite dishes to my heart's content. 我很高兴能够痛痛快快地吃我最喜爱的菜。
      You can say 'cross my heart' when you want someone to believe that you are telling the truth. You can also ask 'cross your heart?', when you are asking someone if they are really telling the truth.
      And I won't tell any of the other girls anything you tell me about it. I promise, cross my heart. 我不会把你告诉我的事告诉任何其他女孩。我发誓,保证不会。
    • PHRASE
      If you say something from the heart or from the bottom of your heart, you sincerely mean what you say.
      He spoke with confidence, from the heart... 他的话充满信心,发自心坎。 I don't want to go away without thanking you from the bottom of my heart. 我离开之前一定要先衷心地感谢你。
    • PHRASE
      If something gives you heart, it makes you feel more confident or happy about something.
      It gave me heart to see one thug get what he deserves. 看到一个恶棍罪有应得真是大快我心。
    • PHRASE
      If you want to do something but do not have the heart to do it, you do not do it because you know it will make someone unhappy or disappointed.
      We knew all along but didn'thave the heart to tell her. 我们一直都知道,但却不忍心告诉她。
    • PHRASE
      If you believe or know something in your heart of hearts, that is what you really believe or think, even though it may sometimes seem that you do not.
      I know in my heart of hearts that I am the right man for that mission. 我心里深知我是完成那项任务的合适人选。
    • PHRASE
      If your heart isn't in the thing you are doing, you have very little enthusiasm for it, usually because you are depressed or are thinking about something else.
      I tried to learn some lines but my heart wasn't really in it. 我想要背几句台词,但我的心根本不在那上面。
    • PHRASE
      If you lose heart, you become sad and depressed and are no longer interested in something, especially because it is not progressing as you would like.
      He appealed to his countrymen not to lose heart. 他呼吁自己的同胞不要丧失信心。
    • PHRASE
      If you lose your heart to someone, you fall in love with them.
    • PHRASE
      If your heart is in your mouth, you feel very excited, worried, or frightened.
      My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office. 我走进她的办公室时,紧张得心都到了喉咙口。
    • PHRASE
      If you open your heart or pour out your heart to someone, you tell them your most private thoughts and feelings.
      She opened her heart to millions yesterday and told how she came close to suicide. 她昨天在数成百万人面前倾吐心声,讲述了自己是如何差点轻生的。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone's heart is in the right place, you mean that they are kind, considerate, and generous, although you may disapprove of other aspects of their character.
      He is a bit of a tearaway but his heart is in the right place. 他是有点像个阿飞,但心眼儿不错。
    • PHRASE
      If you have set your heart on something, you want it very much or want to do it very much.
      He had always set his heart on a career in the fine arts. 他一直以来都一心想把美术作为自己的事业。
    • PHRASE
      If you wear your heart on your sleeve, you openly show your feelings or emotions rather than keeping them hidden.
    • PHRASE
      If you put your heart and soul into something, you do it with a great deal of enthusiasm and energy.
      He will always be successful when he puts his mind to something, because he puts his heart and soul into it. 当他专心想干某件事时,他总是能成功,因为他会全心全意地投入其中。
    • PHRASE
      If you take heart from something, you are encouraged and made to feel optimistic by it.
    • PHRASE
      If you take something to heart, for example someone's behaviour, you are deeply affected and upset by it.
      If someone says something critical I take it to heart. 如果有人提出批评,我会十分介意。
    • n.
      心, 心脏
      My heart aches. 我心痛。
      内心, 心肠; 爱心
      His heart is full of goodwill to all men. 他心里对所有人都充满着爱心。
      感情, 爱好, 爱情
      He wrote her and declared his heart. 他给她写了信, 表述自己的爱慕之情。
      勇气, 精神
      I didn't have the heart to tell him the news. 我没有勇气把这消息告诉他。
      中心, 要点
      They had reached the heart of the forest. 他们到了森林的中心地带。 The heart of the problem is a shortage of funds. 问题的关键是缺乏经费。
    • Noun
      1. the locus of feelings and intuitions;
      "in your heart you know it is true""her story would melt your bosom"
      2. the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions pump blood through the body;
      "he stood still, his heart thumping wildly"
      3. the courage to carry on;
      "he kept fighting on pure spunk""you haven't got the heart for baseball"
      4. an area that is approximately central within some larger region;
      "it is in the center of town""they ran forward into the heart of the struggle""they were in the eye of the storm"
      5. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience;
      "the gist of the prosecutor's argument""the heart and soul of the Republican Party""the nub of the story"
      6. an inclination or tendency of a certain kind;
      "he had a change of heart"
      7. a plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines;
      "he drew a heart and called it a valentine"
      8. a firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal);
      "a five-pound beef heart will serve six"
      9. a positive feeling of liking;
      "he had trouble expressing the affection he felt""the child won everyone's heart"
      10. a playing card in the major suit of hearts;
      "he led the queen of hearts"
    • 人体组织学: 心[脏];
      体育: 红心;
      动物学: 心[脏];
      医学: 心脏,心:心肌构成的器官,维持血液循环。又称cor 〔NA〕。心分四腔,两心房和两心室。左心房自肺接受氧合的血,由左心房进入左心室,泵入主动脉,经动脉分支供应全身,右心房接受被组织消耗了氧的血,进入右心室,然后将血泵入肺,使血再度氧合。心的主要瓣膜有四:左心房与左心室之间的二尖瓣;右心房与右心室之间的三尖瓣;位于主动脉口的主动脉瓣;位于肺动脉口的肺动脉瓣。冠状动脉供应心脏自身的血液和营养;
      药学: 心,五脏之一,位居胸腔之内,膈之上,有心包卫护于外,其主要生理功能是主血脉、主神志,并与舌和汗液密切相关。;
      解剖学: 心,又称:心(Cor(拉));