  • 动 praise,extol,express good wishes,eulogize;名 song,ode,a section in The Book of Songs consisting of sacrificial songs,paean ;
    [例句] 其葡萄园差不多紧挨着欧堡的葡萄园。 Its vineyards are virtually contiguous with those of Ausone.
    [例句] 合唱团在唱《欢乐》。 The chorus was singing "The Ode to Joy".
  • praise,laud,extol,eulogize,apotheosis ;
    [例句] 写于1890年的这首诗是对婚姻爱情的高度扬。 The poem, which appeared in 1890, is an exaltation of married love.
    [例句] 这不是在开追悼会,而是在扬他的一生。 This was not a memorial service but a celebration of his life.
  • sing the praises of,extol,eulogize,pay a tribute to,sing ;
    [例句] 公司的推销员多少年来都在歌公司的辉煌成就. The company's salesman has been caroling its glories for many years.
    [例句] 许多英雄的名字为诗人所歌. The names of many heroes are celebrated by the poets.
  • praise,extol,eulogize,pay tribute to ;
    [例句] 在整个南方地区,他被人们著书称,刻碑纪念。 He was praised in print and memorialized in stone throughout the South.
    [例句] 全世界的领导人都致悼词称那位埃及总统。 Leaders from around the world eulogized the Egyptian president.
  • extol,eulogize,sing the praises of,glorification ;
    [例句] 他写了一首首诗来赞她的美丽. He wrote poem after poem to her beauty.
    [例句] 他在广场上为她作了华丽的赞。 He pronounced a splendid encomium upon her in the forum.
  • song,ode,canticle,carol,doxology ;
    [例句] 许多教徒都是凭记忆唱歌。 Many members of the church sang from memory.
    [例句] 欧洲歌在开幕式和闭幕式上演奏。 The European anthem was played at the opening and closing ceremonies.
  • (称赞功德或祝贺幸福的讲话或文章) complimentary address,panegyric,congratulatory speech,eulogy,laudation ;
    [例句] 婚礼词 a eulogy to marriage
    [例句] 词是不会使我有偏见的, 我要自己作判断. Eulogiums will not bias me; I shall judge for myself.
  • --
    [例句] 他们把它叫作贝加尔海.并为之讴歌吟. They call it the Baikal Sea and sing songs about it.
    [例句] 礼拜堂里,你会听到修女们吟着祷文. In the chapel you can listen to the nuns chanting their prayers.
  • eulogistic poem,ode ;
    [例句] 这首诗充分体现出了作者对母爱的赞之意. This eulogy poem well displays the author's praise for maternal love.
    [例句] 诗是济慈最重要也是最成熟的作品. The odes are generally regarded as Keats's most important and mature works.
  • 扬的

    [例句] 他电影里扬的那些人几乎从不看这种电影,难道他不觉得这是种讽刺吗? Does he not find it ironic that the sort of people his movie celebrates hardly ever watch this kind of movie?
    [例句] 应该扬的是覆盖他们尸体的草皮地. Honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay.
  • eulogium ;
    [例句] 词,文,悼词:词或文, 尤指对死者的赞. A laudatory speech or written tribute , especially one praising someone who has died.
  • --
    [例句] 今天播出了忆莲和雷德的录音访问,新碟歌曲逐首讲. An interview with Sandy Lam & Mark Lui. They talked about each song during the interview.
    [例句] 收到风,忆莲会做今个星期四 ( 3月30日 ) 《莎莎爱心呈献——雷德公益金音乐会》的嘉宾. Sandy would be a guest at Mark Lui's Charity Concert this Thursday ( March 30 ).
  • 荣耀

    [例句] 莫扎特的《第十二弥撒 曲 》,尤其是其中的《荣耀》. Mozart's twelfth mass: the Gloria in that.
    [例句] 应答轮唱圣诗弥撒的开端, 通常由赞美诗篇 、 轮流应答吟唱的歌以及《荣耀》组成. The beginning of the Mass, usually consisting of a psalm verse antiphon, and the Gloria Patri.
  • 圣诞

    [例句] 咖啡苑 - 诞的空气中洋溢着欢乐的歌声 、 声和笑声,在圣诞曲中欢迎来咖啡苑品尝世界各地的美食佳肴. Coffee Garden - Carols, bells and laughter fill the air.
  • 德文

    eulogy,eulogia ;
  • 圣母

  • 万物

  • 或称

  • 词的

  • 唱圣诞
