  • --
  • refined,elegant,tasteful,concinnity,elegance ;
    [例句] 在餐厅里,打褶装饰物能营造致的氛围。 In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance.
    [例句] 教区长的故居已被精心修复,里面的陈设也颇为致。 The rectory has been sensitively restored and tastefully furnished.
  • elegant,refined,cultured,polished,refinement ;
    [例句] 他为人文,结交广泛。 He is a cultured man with a wide circle of friends.
    [例句] 他文、迷人、能言善辩,是一名优秀的谈判人。 He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator.
  • elegant and in good taste,noble and graceful,elegance ;
    [例句] 这会让你的促销品显得个性十足、格调高。 This will give your promotional material individuality and style.
    [例句] 到广场饭店喝鸡尾酒是他们这个高时髦的圈子中的人每晚必做的事情。 Cocktails at the Plaza was a nightly ritual of their sophisticated world.
  • elegance,grace,politeness,[法] amenity,concinnity ;
    [例句] 他没像平时那样优庄重地走着,而是几乎跑了起来。 Instead of moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running.
    [例句] 她拥有那种天生的优,举手投足都彬彬有礼。 She had that inbred politeness, it was a part of her.
  • literary pursuits,grace,elegant,refined ;
    [例句] 讲法语和弹钢琴是社交界的两大风. Speaking French and playing the piano are social graces.
    [例句] 她过着风悠闲的生活. She has a life of elegant ease.
  • Athens ;
    [例句] 他辞去了在典当办公室勤杂工的工作。 He quit his job as an office boy in Athens.
    [例句] 我让机长设法给我们弄3张去典的票。 I asked the Captain to wangle us three tickets to Athens.
  • (渊博) erudition,learned and accomplished,well-informed and refined,learned ;
    [例句] 博纳教堂位于索菲亚城郊外, 由三座建筑物组成. Located on the outskirts of Sofia, Boyana Church consists of three buildings.
    [例句] 潘恩先生则继续运营博公关,而且管理着公司的微软账户. Mr Penn continues to run Burson - Marsteller and to manage its Microsoft account himself.
  • 典娜

    Athena,Athene,Pallas ;
    [例句] 她穿戴着典娜的盔甲, 这样她就不会受到感情上的伤害. She was encased in Athenian armor, safe from emotional injury.
    [例句] 让我们来感谢我们的保佑者,贤明而仁慈的典娜神. Let us offer thanks to our protector , the wise and kind Athene.
  • 加达

    [印尼] Djakarta,Jakarta ;
    [例句] 人们为找工作而迁移到加达这类城市里。 People migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work.
    [例句] 加达实际不过是一大堆闷热的棚户和茅舍. Djakarta was a collection of sweltering huts and hovels.
  • indelicacy,inelegant,inelegance,inelegancy ;
    [例句] 他一屁股坐在她对面的椅子上,姿势非常不。 He dropped gracelessly into a chair opposite her.
    [例句] 她那条裙子实在不. That skirt of hers is positively indecent.
  • 皮士

    Yuppies (young urban professionals) (美国城市职业青年),Yuppie,yippie ;
    [例句] 皮士是市场营销策略面向的主要目标群体。 Yuppies are a prime target group for marketing strategies.
    [例句] 伦敦一处皮士化地区 a yuppified area of London
  • 典人

    Athenian ;
    [例句] 典人对待生活非常怡然自得。 Athenians have a very easy-going attitude to life.
    [例句] 所有的典人都发誓效忠于他. All Athens swore to carry out his demands.
  • 典的

    [法] Attic ;
    [例句] 我让机长设法给我们弄3张去典的票。 I asked the Captain to wangle us three tickets to Athens.
    [例句] 我们整理了海外各部门的报告然后再将其转发给典的总部。 We coordinate the reports from the overseas divisions, and send them on to headquarters in Athens.
  • 致的

    refined,tasteful,elegant ;
    [例句] 在餐厅里,打褶装饰物能营造致的氛围。 In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance.
    [例句] 我们最后到了一间装潢致的起居室里。 We ended up in a tastefully-appointed sitting room.
  • Jamin ;
    [例句] 拜明是学染丝的,在伦敦当学徒. Benjamin was bred a silk dyer an apprenticeship in London.
    [例句] 所以本明拥护表现主义等现代艺术. So Walter Benjamin support the Modernist art like Expressionism.
  • 各布

    Jacob ;
    [例句] 昨天,瑞士球迷在各布·赫拉塞克对阵库里耶的比赛中为赫拉塞克喝彩加油。 Swiss fans cheered Jakob Hlasek during yesterday's match with Courier.
    [例句] 各布·辛克莱在一名士兵的手里送了命。 Jacob Sinclair met his death at the hands of a soldier.
  • 致地

    [例句] 它具有弧度的外形也与机场高速路入口弯道很致地相互呼应. Its curved shape responds gracefully to the curved expressway entrance ramp.
    [例句] 一部现代电梯可以很致地安装在一座古建筑中. A modern lift can be elegantly installed in an old building.
  • Jacque(s) 缩写为 Ja ;
    [例句] 克·阿诺德自1987年以来一直是议会议员。 Jacques Arnold has been a member of parliament since 1987.
    [例句] 最后,他再也无能为力了,这也正是克发挥作用的时候。 Finally, he could do no more, which is where Jacques came in.
  • 名 Yahoo,Yahoo! ;
    [例句] 虎是最早且最知名的因特网目录服务网站。 Yahoo is the oldest and best-known Web directory service.
    [例句] 虎搜索业务的命运也尚未明朗. The destiny of Yahoo search business also have not Anacreontic.
  • 司瘤

    [医] frambesioma ;